In collaboration with Mackmyra we proudly present our very own whisky that we have name “Eken”! The whisky is a single malt that has matured in oak casks for 13 years in Mackmyra’s own warehouse outside of Gävle, Sweden. The blend has been created by the staff at Grandpa, together with the whisky-experts from Mackmyra. The name Eken (meaning “The Oak” in Swedish) is an homage to our hometown Stockholm which is called “The Oak” in slang.
Mackmyra and Grandpa shares the view of making things long term, with high quality, celebrating Swedish craftsmanship and last but not least the importance of the personal meeting with customers and guests. Eken is a celebration for all of this!
Mackmyra was founded in 1999 and is the pioneer and innovator within Swedish whisky. Their starting point has always been to develop whisky that is closely linked to Sweden and doing so through curiosity, willingness to experiment and the desire to discover new things. The whisky is created using Swedish barley and Swedish water, without any additives, and through climate-smart techniques of distillation. The smokey flavour comes from the usage of peat and brittle bits of juniper. The whisky is stored on 30-liter casks at Mackmyra’s main warehouse in Borås, and in their five satellite warehouses in Sweden but also in Germany and France.
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