Järvsö Edition

It's extremely beautiful when we travel towards Järvsö in October. The colors burst in orange, yellow and red. We are going to meet the two entrepreneurs Malin at Järvsö Crêperie and Tobias at Järvsö Lanthandel, restaurant owner with the same focus on sustainability and locally grown food.

Järvsö is a destination with many entrepreneurs with focus on an active lifestyle, here you can find skiing, downhill biking, hiking and other adventures in all its forms.

In the middle of this we have two driven souls who are both passionate about food in its noblest form. Malin, who runs Järvsö Crêperie in the village during summer and then makes galettes and sweet crêpes to hungry skiers in the winter. And Tobias at Järvsö Lanthandel, who only uses local ingredients from Hälsingland, and finds new flavors by refusing to throw away food.

Hi Malin!

How did you end up in Järvsö?

After a bunch of years in Stockholm focusing on my career as a photographer, it was time to find a way back to Hälsingland. The forest, the family and the dream of renovating an old house could no longer be ignored. To live in a big city can be inspiring but can also disturb the mind with all the impressions. In Järvsö, I can more easily keep the right course.

Tell us a little about your background:

I grew up on an old farm here in Hälsingland. Growing up in the countryside influenced me more than I understood as a young adult. I lived together with my grandfather which meant that I spent a lot of time with him, we both love spending a lot of time together both in the forest and on the farm.

Tell us about your business:

I run Järvsö Crêperie which comes from a passion to create. I am probably most of all a creator and it became possible through my entrepreneurship.

Tell us about your business:

I run Järvsö Crêperie which comes from a passion to create. I am probably most of all a creator and it became possible through my entrepreneurship.

How come you started Järvsö Crêperie?

I started the crêperie project mostly to test the idea. I wanted to work more from home and less as a freelance photographer. I have always loved crêperies and felt that I could manage the tasks in the kitchen. The seasons and the locally grown goods set the framework for what I create.

Malin is wearing:

How do your businesses differ, Crêperiet in summer vs winter?

The restaurant down in the village is green and wonderful with directly harvested vegetables from our kitchen garden. It's intense with lots of regulars and packed music nights. The restaurant in the ski slope is a little different. Surrounded by snow and skiers, we serve galettes with fermented fruit and jam from the summer harvests. We have slightly fewer seats and can work with a separate day and evening menu.

You do a lot of gardening yourself, what do you grow?

I do it because I love to see it grow! We are self-sufficient in several vegetables all year round. It's a lot of work, of course, as we process everything, but it's so rewarding. We have many different kinds of cabbage, it's a bit of a cabbage garden, but also artichokes, leeks, garlic, chives, celery, etc.

Destination Järvsö is working towards becoming the first Swedish destination to be sustainability certified by EarthCheck, how do you think that work is reflected in your everyday life?

The sustainability work that is run centrally in the village naturally inspires many. I’ve always worked according to that principle because I believe there is no alternative. But it's great that it can be done at a destination level. I am very proud of Järvsö.

What does sustainability mean to you in the industry?

To run a transparent and profitable business with a clear goal of managing the earth's resources. Easy and hard at the same time.

Do you have any plans for the future?

There is so much fun to do. I'm expanding the restaurant on the mountain a little this autumn with the help of my favorite partners at Humlemo snickeri. I have the best team around me and that gives me room to explore other things to do.

Hi Tobias!

How come you moved to Järvsö?

Both me and my wife are from Småland, but had lived in Stockholm for quite some time. After a hike with the children up in the mountains, we passed Järvsö on the way home and were a bit overwhelmed. After a while we found a cabin that we bought and started to go up on the weekends, 3.5 hours in the car and suddenly were sitting in front of the fireplace. We wanted more of that calm life and a little less of the inner city stress, so we spontaneously moved up.

How did the journey with Järvsö Lanthandel begin?

Quite shortly after we moved up, I worked as a kitchen manager at a place. That's when I started going around the local area to buy ingredients. In various places I bought tomatoes, cucumbers, cheeses, honey, linen cloths, potatoes and broccoli. After that I bought a food truck that I had on the ski slope one winter where I made barbecue bags/food bags. I started a collaboration with Delsbo Slakteri and started buying half cows, which I ground into meat for the burgers.

Tell us briefly about your business?

I was looking for a venue and finally found the dream place! In connection to that, I decided to work exclusively with locally produced ingredients from Hälsingland.

After all, you mainly collaborate with local suppliers. How do you get vegetables in the middle of winter?

I only work with local suppliers and together we come up with what I might need during the winter months. Then I put together a large order for all the vegetables that I will need and store them in my food cellar. September and October are my processing months, then everything must be fermented, pickled, acidified, boiled, dried and pickled. It is during that period I build my library of flavors which then form a menu in constant change.

What does sustainability mean to you in the industry?

I feel lucky to be in a place with such a strong reluctance to feel limitations, a high minimum level and a nice willingness to cooperate. I don't know how other people see my business, but I'm looking for staff and sincerely hope we get people in the restaurant industry to move here and work!

Tobias is wearing:

Destination Järvsö is working towards being the first Swedish destination to be sustainability certified by EarthCheck, how do you work with that in your everyday life?

I have almost no waste. Luckily we serve food that people like so I don't have to throw away any leftovers. It's my personal challenge to not throw anything away.  We give all the leftovers, apart from protein, to pigs here on a local farm. Sustainability falls into place by itself at Lanthandeln, for example we pick potatoes straight across the street. Only a crazy person throws away food! The menu actually changes every day and we work according to the principle "We work with what we get".

I even received an award for the sustainability work at the country store this summer!

Your best Järvsö tips?

Rent an electric scooter, bring a few bottles of wine, some firewood, a knife and water. Ride around to different farms and fill the bicycle baskets with fresh cheeses, freshly baked bread, vegetables, coffee, a piece of meat, a jar of honey. Then find a nice place along Ljusnan, preferably with a barbecue area, open a bottle, light a fire, eat, enjoy, Oh, and don't forget a bottle opener!

What do your future plans look like?

I have a new premises and hope to get it up and running soon to be able to produce slightly larger quantities of our charcuterie, smoked products, fresh sausages and more. I hope to have more guests. Oh my gosh, there are so many fun projects!

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